Get Special Amazon Pay loot for using booking cashback offer on movie tickets. You will Get Cashback upto 150 Rupees from suing Amazon Pay Wallet. We will Provide on best loot offer on using your booking tickets. So You don’t have to need promo code to getting for Cashback on movie offer & You have to get special offer on using Amazon Service.
Hello Friends, I have got a new anther cashback for booking Robot 2.0 movie ticket on using amazon wallet. I Hope You have to get enjoy special loot movie offers on Today. So I will describe all information to get movie offer using from Amazon. You don’t have miss on special movie offer & You have to follow all steps for movie cashback on this below.
How to Get Amazon Pay Special Cashback on Movie Tickets
1. First You have to get visit Amazon offcial site or You can visit also as well as Bookmyshow offcial site.
2. Then You have to click on collect offer from using amazon pay & You will Get see (Order Now). You have to Click on Button.
3. Afer You have to redirect on bookmyshow page & Before You have to choose your location for get movie tickets.
4. after you have to choose your suitbable time & You have get choose your seats on movie tickets. then You have to complete your seat booking & You will pay for amount tickets.
5. You have to make sure thats You have to using on Pay Amazon wallet. You have to get eligible for onece per user only amazon accounts. after You will get cashback with 3 days to credit your wallet.
6. You have to Don’t miss to get amazon cashback movie offer, because this offer vaild on December 09. 2018. So You have to Get Hurryup loot on movie tickets
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Note: If You have faceing any problems using offer or in case you want to get more inforamtion about movie tickets, then You can contact amazon pay custmer nubmer (1800 3000 2057), 10 A.M. to 7 P.M, all days of the week